Wedding Survey

Traditional values are changing in 2014 with 69% of couples footing the wedding bill on their own and 15% with the help of the bride’s parents. Civil weddings are also getting more and more popular with 1 in 4 couples opting for a civil ceremony over a church wedding (1 in 5 in 2013).

This year’s findings from the weddingsonline survey, based on over 2,145 participants in January, capture the current attitudes towards weddings in Ireland.

69% of couples are footing the wedding bill on their own and 15% with the help of the bride’s parents.

Midweek weddings are on the rise with 54% of couples opting for a wedding Monday to Friday.

89% of those getting married are aged between 24 & 35 years of age.

19% of males are aged 36+.

August is still the top month to get married (15% of weddings).

May was the 2nd most popular month to get married (13% of weddings) – possibly due to more favorable weather conditions.

A significant 63% of all respondents still opted for the more traditional hotel wedding while 20% chose the increasingly popular country house and 8% a castle.

Social Media has been a useful tool for the modern couple with 50% using Facebook,53% using Pinterest and 93% using weddingsonline to help them plan.

December engagements down 4% from last year’s high of 26%, however it is still the most popular month to get engaged.

22% of couples waited 24+ months between their engagement and their wedding.

The average total budget for a wedding including the honeymoon cost in 2014 is €21,666 (up 2% on last year)

Checkout this link for more information from the weddingsonline website….